A Painting Company Built for Landlords and Property Managers

Prompt Service

Ever have a rental unit sit vacant because a painter didn’t show up on time? We feel your pain! Ever day without a tenant countys! We built Cover It Painting for property managers to turn units faster than ever from prompt service. Schedule the day that you want your unit painted directly on CoverItPainting.com. Sleep well knowing it will ACTUALLY get painted on time so you can get it rented out quickly!

Quality Painting

Quality painting leads to faster tenant placement in a unit, and less stress on a property manager from needing to fix the work. Cover It Painting prides itself in quality painting. The painting will be completed on time against the specs outlined by the landlord. We can give you our opinion on color based on the trendiest colors for rental units, or we use whatever custom color you prefer.

Fair Pricing

As a landlord, you can’t afford to overpay for painting. We see many residential painting companies have prices that just dont work for a property manager. We got feedback from many of the best property managers to come up with a price that is fair and works for everyone. Go on our site to input your info or email info@CoverItPainting.com. We will confirm the estimate typically in less than 24 hours at a reasonable price point for turning a rental unit.